Saturday took the form of a performance lecture and screening, exploring the relationship between popular uprisings and the witch scares, tracing this history from heretics to trade unionists. The event took place at Calton Burial Ground, which is the memorial cemetery to the Calton Weavers, the Glasgow textile workers murdered during the 1787 strike. The burial ground is located on Abercromby Street, which was formerly known as 'Witch Loan', as the road was believed to be bewitched.
In 2018, this piece was reworked as a permanent sound installation for the burial ground.
Listen to the audio guide.
Commissioned by Glasgow International.
Photography by Erika Stevenson.

Saturday, performance lecture and screening, 15th April 2016

Saturday, 2016, HD video, colour, sound, 34 minutes 41 seconds.

Saturday, 2018, audio guide, 26 minutes 42 seconds.